Author: Rae


A Compelling Story

To Whom It May Concern, I have what I believe will be a story of interest to you and your public. A few weeks ago, international news media carried a story concerning the the...


On the News

Paolo Macchiarini recommended that we get our story out to the media so that we can find a way to pay for the surgery.  Here’s the video from our first TV news story:


Reality check through a fog

I’m on the official countdown now until I see Dan and Paolo. In a little less than 30 hours Steven and I will be sitting talking with them, finding out the particulars of the...


College of Medicine: University of Vermont

Dr. M. and his trip to VT. I’ll see him Monday morning before his presentation at Noon. 🙂 Literally counting down now! Regenerative Medicine Expert to Discuss Airway Surgery Advances SHARE THIS ARTICLE 07-21-2011...


‎”There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” -L. Cohen, “Anthem.”


‎”There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” -L. Cohen, “Anthem.”