by Steven Phillips on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 10:50pm
Thank you so very much for those of you who have already said you will write the two doctors I told you about earlier today. At a quick count a few hours ago, we were already at about fifty people who said they would follow through on this request and I am so very grateful to everyone who is getting on board with this idea. This is a chance to really make a significant statement that will help us enormously. These two doctors have done so much more than I have time to tell you about to help us. For example, Anne Knott wrote the housing people to personally intercede on our behalf to get us approved to be in the place that we now have. There was a six year waiting list and she helped get us approved in two weeks!!! Dan Weiss has done many similar things the past two years and I can safely say that Rachel would not be alive right now if it hadn’t been for the two of them.
People often talk about what it would take to have better health care… well, how about For a start, just taking the time to recognize doctors who care like these two have cared for us?
At this point, this thing could really take off! Most people I have sent it to haven’t gotten back to me as yet! I hope to have the time to thank each and every one of you who have, personally. Until then, just jump in!!! Try to imagine the two of these doctors coming back into their offices – each to a stack of thank you notes and cards from all over America, to say noting of England, Canada, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon Pakistan, India, Scotland, Germany, Finland, Japan, Singapore… the potential list goes on and on because that is where I have sent it out to so far to people Rachel and I know and where I have ministered in the past.
Please take just a moment and drop a note or a card in the mail to the two of them as soon as you can. It will make a real difference for us. For more about this, please read the post below entitled, “A Really Big Favor To Ask.” Thanks so much. God bless.
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